

Lesson 1 

Game Aim: Using/creating open space

3 rules:

  1. Communicate with team-mates

  2. Look for open space

  3. Move around/increasing game area

Tactical Problem: Spotting, moving, and passing to the open space

Lesson focus: Spatial Awareness

Introductory task/game

Bean Bag Toss follow the leader. Use the space, have partner follow behind and try to catch bean bag. Make rule that the tosser must toss in an open space (not congested). Also introduces other skills will be using in future classes.


Skill/Concept development tasks/games

Keep away task progression. Played with three players. Pass ball to one player, while the other tries to invade space and gain possession. Can only earn point if ball is stolen or three successful passes. Adjust play area to skill and switch position often.


Culminating Game

360 Degrees Soccer: There are four zones created with pylons. To score one must pass through the pylons to his/her team-mate. The purpose of this game will be to get students to use the whole space and not cluster around each other. If they spread out, they defend more zones and they have more opportunity to score, pass, and strategize.

Lesson 2

Game Aim: Soccer Dribbling

3 rules:

  1. Keep the ball ahead of you but close

  2. Use the inside bottom of your foot

  3. Keep head up and use peripheral vision

Tactical Problem: Control and protect ball while dribbling

Lesson focus: Dribbling skills & Fair Play

Introductory task/game

Sharks & Minnows: Half the class are dribbling balls, the other half are trying to steal a ball. Adapt: Making sharks travel together, arms linked. Works on dribbling and deeking skills.

Skill/Concept development tasks/games

Practice dribbling through obstacle course, which the students create. The students make their own rules (how many times the player has to go around one cone, for example). One person is dribbles the ball while the other tries to steal it (point system determined by students. This could also be an adaptation to just completing the obstacle course). Coach makes adjustments to course = fair play.

Culminating Game

360 Degrees Soccer: Like End Ball but now four possible goals. More dribbling, finding open space, and passing. Can choose between passing & dribbling. If pass, more time because players have to back off. Dribbling can be faster, deeking more possible

Lesson 3

Game Aim: Soccer Passing

3 rules:

  1. Use inside of foot for control

  2. Point left foot in direction one wants to pass

  3. Use correct force to reach team-mate

Tactical Problem: Passing to the open player

Lesson focus: Cooperative play & Passing

Introductory task/game

Sharks & Minnows: Half the class are dribbling balls, the other half are trying to steal a ball. Adapt: Making sharks travel together, arms linked. Works on dribbling and deeking skills.

Skill/Concept development tasks/games:

Passing & receiving grids: Three players stand on a corner of the grid. One player passes to the open space while one of the other two run to receive the pass. Communication is essential between players.

Culminating Game

End-Ball: Put the dribbling and passing skills together. Teams must pass to the player “goalie” in the opposing zone to score. Can choose to pass or to dribble. Must pass at least twice before passing to the player in endzone.

Lesson 4

Game Aim: Soccer Goal Keeping, Intercepting, Shooting

3 rules:

  1. Goalkeeper stays in line with ball

  2. Prevent Goals by intercepting, blocking shots

  3. Use appropriate force for passing and shooting (how different?)

Tactical Problem: How to prevent goals and score

Lesson focus: Defensive and Offensive Play

Introductory task/game

Endball (3 field players and one target player per team). Field players pass the ball to get it to the target player in the endzone. Target players receive passes from the field players

Skill/Concept development tasks/games
3 v 2 with goalkeeper (2 field players on one team, 2 field players and a goalkeeper on the other team). Goalkeeper stops the shots. Field players take and defend shots

Culminating Game

5 on 3 Defender: Team of 3 scores by making three consecutive passes. Team of 5 scores by making a goal. Conditions: Rotate defense players frequently. When ball is sent out of bounds, possession goes to opposing team. Use warm defense (arm’s length). 2 players on the team of 5 must remain behind the end line

This unit will begin with simple games that develop tactical awareness and progress into complex games.