
Anticipating Shot angle

With a partner in a designated space against a wall each groups gets one ball, two markers
Set yourself up in the gym anywhere and mark off a distance of about 10 ft. between cones
Partner#1 bounces and hits the ball on an angle against the wall, while Partner#2  is standing waiting to receive the ball
Partner#2 returns shot again using an angle back to Partner#1…repeat until you or your partner have hit several shots
once consistency is established introduce teaching points
        - stepping into the shot,
        - hitting the ball in front—“hitting zone”
        - reading the angle and being in the potential scoring space (demonstrate how to read the angle)
progress into a competitive game with...
        -points system
        -minimize space if game becomes too difficult
        -extend cones and add rackets if consistency is achieved

Concept of going back to the T after a shot

Castle game introduces it in first few lessons
Half court squash is played to show the need for this tactic

(Guided Discovery)
-where is the best place to be on the court to get any shot?
-since you are not sure where the shot will go most of the time where should you go?
-when should you go there?

Pairs are joined and 4 continuous game is played in the following progression to emphasize the tactic
4 continuous game
Try to keep the ball going as a group
-throwing and catching
-students make other rules as needed (Divergent)
Play to Compete
Play to win
-if a player misses it they catch and throw for the next round