Emphasize safety & rules |
Important of basis positioning |
EQUIPMENT: Squash balls, racquets, & goggles; Masking Tape; Task Cards; Pylons; A/V equipment Floor mats; |
11:00 a.m.
Introductory activity/warm-up Communication Situation
Squash Line Tag |
Communicate with each other
Stay low Push off to change direction
Command style In two big groups, students form a circle and connect hands in the middle. Students try to untangle so they form a circle In partners one student runs along the lines of a squash court changing direction. The partner follows the leader |
11:10 a.m.
11:16 a.m.
11:22 a.m. |
Skill Development-Concept Ready position
Continental Grip
Extension: Add a ball to see how it feels |
Feet shoulder width apart Bend at the knees Weight on balls of feet Hand out to the side Open stance Pushing off Return to the ‘T’ Moving to cover space Split step
‘V’ formed by the thumb and forefinger Shake hands with the racquet Relaxed grip |
Reciprocal style Students get into partners One student teaches the other student the ready position by using the criteria sheet Students reverse roles
Reciprocal style Two pylons designate start and stop partners teach one another to stop in ready position and push off to next spot as quickly and efficiently as possible Reciprocal style In partners, students teach one another how to hold the racquet using task cards
11:30 a.m.
11:35 a.m. |
Skill Development-Concept Safety
Rules |
Do not enter a court while a game is in progress Always wear goggles Never hit the ball at someone Beware of surroundings (E.g. ball, racquet, walls) Service lines and boxes Lines and ceilings Players contact/ball contact |
Command style Teacher provides safety rules and equipment
Command style Teacher provides and demonstrates rule through the use pictures Tape line to demonstrate |
11:40 a.m. |
Culminating activity Watch a video of professional squash players to give some motivation and an overview of what the students will learn |
11:50 a.m. |
Closure reinforce key elements give feedback for improvement |
11:55 a.m. |
Evaluation self evaluation, peer evaluation, & teacher evaluation |
Emphasis on process rather than product |
Refining techniques (i.e. aiming) |
EQUIPMENT: Beanbags; Pylons; Variety of balls, paddles, and racquets; |
11:00 a.m.
Introductory activity/warm-up Review of Safety
Beanbag exchange
Review Ready Position
Extension: Walk to jog to run Release beanbag within 3 sec. |
Wide base
Pushing off
Split step
Command style Everyone gets a beanbag; within a defined space students start of by walking; two students make eye contact and exchange beanbags.
11: 10 a.m.
11:17 a.m.
Skill/Concept development Forehand – Throwing
Extension: Aim towards three lines that are marked on the wall Move various distances away from the wall
Backhand – Throwing
Step with foot opposite to racquet side Quick forearm and wrist movement Follow through to opposite shoulder
Step with same foot as racquet side Hand starts at midline, forcefully brought out so elbow extends |
Inclusion style All students choose their own object (i.e. tennis ball, sponge ball, whiffle ball, etc.) Students throw their object against a spot on the wall in the forehand motion.
Same as Forehand
11:23 a.m.
11:32 a.m. |
Skill/Concept development Review Grip
Forehand – Pick and hit
Extension: Move further from the wall Aim at various heights
Backhand – Pick and hit
Extension: Move further from the wall Aim at various heights |
Same as for throwing
Same as for backhand throw |
Peer demonstration
Same as Forehand throw Include choice of using hand, paddle, or racquet
Same as Backhand throw Include choice of using hand, paddle, or racquet |
11:40 a.m. |
Culminating Activity Hand Ball
Extension: Students switch partners and choose ball to play with |
Wide stance Split step |
Inclusion style Students get into partners with one ball between each pair Partners choose ball (squash ball, tennis ball, volleyball, beach ball, etc.) Students find space on the wall Three Rules: Alternate shots Ball must bounce once Play to five points
11:50 a.m. |
Closure reinforce key elements give feedback for improvement |
11:55 a.m. |
Evaluation self evaluation, peer evaluation, & teacher evaluation |