Warm-up/introductory Activities



1.      Communication Situation:  In two circles, students hold hands in the middle with the person opposite of them and try to untangle themselves. 


Follow the Leader: In pairs, the leader can only move along the squash court lines.  This activity begins at a walk and progresses to a jog and then a run.  Students switch roles halfway through the activity.


Modification: Students could change movement to a side-shuffle or have to name the line they were traveling on.


2.      Beanbag Exchange: Each student has a beanbag.  Students move around in coned off area (at least 5m of free space, depending on class size) and exchange balls by making eye and verbal contact and simultaneously throwing the beanbags.  If the players both catch the bags they are awarded a point; if one or both of the players drop the beanbags then both players have to perform either five tuck jumps or five push-ups outside the coned off area.  This activity begins at a walk and progresses to a jog and then a run.


Modification: If the task is too difficult the students could use sponge balls.  If the task is too simple the students could use tennis balls or squash balls.


3.      Toss-n-Catch: Students are in pairs, numbered one and two.  Student #1 has a beanbag and is moving around the gym with Student #2 following.  When Student #2 yells “Now!” Student #1 tosses the beanbag above his/her head and Student #2 catches it and they reverse roles. This activity starts at a walk, progresses to a jog, then to a run.


Modification: If the task is too difficult the students could use sponge balls.  If the task is too simple the students could use tennis balls or squash balls.


4.      Keep-Up: In partners, the students alternatively hit the ball above head height.  The ball must bounce once.  This activity is played with squash racquets and balls.


Modification: If the task is too difficult the students could use their hands and catch and toss the ball to get the feel for the movement.  If the task is too simple the students could take away the bounce or add another bounce.


5.      Frogs-n-Flies: One student stands in the middle of the gym (Frog).  The rest of the students (Flies) line up along one line and when the teacher gives his/her signal, the Flies try to get to the other side of the gym without being touched by a Frog.  If a Fly is touched, he/she becomes a frog.


Modification: If a “Fly” is stationary and practicing a squash stroke they can not be tagged by a Frog.


6.      Castle Game: In partners, the students alternatively hit the ball over head height and try to hit a target on the ground.  The ball must bounce once and this activity is played with squash racquets and balls.


Modifications: The target on the ground can be made larger or smaller.


7.      Line Game: In pairs, students stand on either side of a line determined by cones.  The students must hit the ball on their side of the line and should try to get in position to anticipate the other student’s shot.  The ball must only bounce once and this activity is played with squash racquets and balls.


Modifications: The line between the students can be made wider or thinner and students who are having difficulty could try the activity with their hands.


8.      Wall-Catching: In partners, students throw a squash ball against a spot on the wall and the second student must catch it before it hits the ground and they reverse roles.  The ball must hit the wall higher than ten feet.


Modifications: If the task is too difficult, the students could use a bigger ball—a volleyball.  If the task is too simple, the students could progress to hitting the ball with their hand or a racquet against a wall.


9.      Knee-Catching: In partners, student #1 tosses a volleyball over head height; student #2 lets the ball drop, then catches the ball between his/her knees.  If successful, both students get a point; if unsuccessful, both students have to perform 5 “burpies”.


Modifications: Students could use a smaller ball (i.e. tennis ball) to increase the difficulty).


10.   Find-A-Cone: Cones (one less than the number of students in the class) are spread out over a designated area.  When the teacher yells “Go” all the students go to a cone, perform a split step over it and move to the next cone to repeat.  When the teacher yells “Stop” the students must go to the nearest cone (one person at a cone at a time) and stay there.  Progression from walking to jogging to running.


Modifications: More cones could be taken out and those without a cone would have to do push-ups or once at a cone you must practice a swing.


11.  Consistency Squash: In pairs, students are about 1 – 2 meters away from the wall.  Students hit the ball alternatively off the wall without letting it touch the ground.  Students get a point for every shot they perform successfully but if the ball touches the ground then they lose all their points.


Modifications: Students could move closer or farther away from the wall.


12.   Toilet Tag: Basic premise of Tag but when you are caught you crouch on one knee and hold one arm out.  To be freed a student must sit on the captured person bent knee and “flush” by pushing the outstretched arm down.


Modifications: There could be more people made “It” and the dimensions of the boundaries could change.