Managerial Routines


1) Equipment: - 1 Basketball between pair or group
                       - Cones to mark playing area  (4 cones to make grid)
                       - Pinnies
                       - No new equipment is issued until the object being used is replaced.

2) Procedures: - After class changes into gym strip, sit in front of chalk board for attendance and an overview of the class for that day.

3) Groupings: - Have classmates partner up or group up according to the objectives of the class. Can also arrange according to height or birthdays etc.
                      - If class has uneven numbers that won't fit into the assigned groupings for the class one student will be chosen for a group as the odd person and this will rotate through the class with each person being the odd person in a group; for each class necessary a new person will be chosen so all experience this role and it prevents the same person from always being the odd person.
                     - Give each member a role in the group. ie: 1 person to get equipment and another to select a playing area etc.

4) Classroom rules: - Proper gym attire
                               - No hats
                               - Must work cooperatively with others
                               - Class does not begin until all students are sitting and at attention for the objectives.