3 on 3 (in quadrant)
Game/Task Outline

Tactical Problem: Working in groups of three students must attempt to maintain possesion of the ball playing "keep away" from the opposing team.
Skill development: TSWBAT effectively maintain possession of the ball (on the ball skills) by dribbling and using space effectively with partners in order to make a successful pass. Students should be able to answer the following questions after the drill has been played simply from experience (adapting the answers to their own game play).

  • Teaching points:
    • no scoring (just maintain possession with teammates)
    • if ball goes out of bounds it is the other teams ball
    • Q: What must you do in this game? A: Keep the Ball (away from opponents..in your possession)
    • Q: How do you go about doing this? A: By using space and passing to your teammmates
    Organizational Points: 
    • have students get into groups of three
    • pair up two groups in a quadrant to challenge eachother (these groups can be rotated)
    • have one person go get pinnies for one of the two teams and have the others go find a quadrant
    • quadrants should be set up previous to start of class (Can be used for the passing drill also)
    • due to simplicity of drill we would suggest no longer then 5-7mins
    • use alternating quadrants within the grid so that games don't interfere with eachother

    Under Construction
