
Student Learning
 GPAI:  For Game Form for Rugby

CODER:  __________________ PLAYER: ____________________

CATEGORY - Criteria for Appropriate/Efficient rating:

1. Decision Made  - Criteria:
Player attempts to pass to an open teammate
Player attempts to pass to or run when appropriate

2. Motor-skill execution – Criteria:
Reception – Control of pass
Passing – Ball reaches target
Reach, Catch, Sweep

3. Support – Criteria:
The player appeared to support the ball carrier from a position of depth.

This type of GPAI format can be recorded by the teacher or participating students.  Students can work with their peers by assessing their game performance or an individual aspect of play.  Using this strategy the instructor is able to get  the class working on the cognitive, affective and social learning domains by encouraging constructive peer group work while playing the game.
Key: A = Appropriate IA = Inappropriate
 E = Efficient  IE = Inefficient

Game involvement (GI) -  GI = (AD + ID) + (ESE + ISE)  + AAM

Decision-making index (DMI) - DMI  = AD / ID

Skill execution index (SEI) -  SEI  = ESE / ISE

Support index (AI) -  SI = ASM / ISM

Game performance (GP) - GP = [DMI + SEI + SI]/3

Teaching Instruction

    After each lesson taught there a period of self reflection.  During this time the instructor should decide what was successful and what was unsuccessful, as well as what was needed in order to improve the production of the desired skill or task  The  use of feedback, demonstrations, and asking and answering of questions should also be considered.  Methods of organization were are paramount in lesson planning and improvements or alterations should be made accordingly.

    The instructor can also use student feedback to assess their performance.  Participants can be asked verbally or written what tasks they enjoyed and which they found beneficial to their performance.  Taking these responses into consideration the teacher can make improvements in future lessons or units.

    Non-participating students or a peer teacher can oberve the class and record the instructor talk time as well as the time on task noting what instructions were said clearly and effectively and which instructions were not.  This method ensures that non-participating students are given an active role in the class and creates a new level of relationship between teacher and student.