Managerial Routines

1) Equipment

Each class will require rugby balls as well as different shapes and sizes of balls for the students to select from.  Pinneys will be needed to divide the students into teams and cones will be used to create playing areas.
2) Procedures
Equipment should be laid out prior to class to ensure full use of class time.  If the class is held outside then students should quickly change and meet on the field without touching any of the equipment before told to do so.  Students should come prepared to be indoors as well as outdoors for every class.
3) Groupings
Groupings for team games will be done by the instructor in order to keep teams even and to facilitate different student interactions.  For pair work or small group work students will be asked to find their own partners.  The instructor will provide times for students to find new partners during these drills/games.
4) Classroom Rules
5)  Classroom Etiquette
6)  Teacher Etiquette