
    This is a unit of four forty minute lessons, designed to introduce and develop the basic skills and tactics for a grade seven co-ed basketball class.  The tactical understanding of the game is considered to be the biggest factor for success in any game situation; therefore, tactical awareness and the demonstration of this knowledge will be weighted more heavily than the actual skill performance.  The other main focus of this unit is to promote the development of personal and social responsability. This focus will be achieved through team games where they will continuously be changing partners and adapting to students of different skill abilities as well as different personalities.  When it comes to the physical skills of basketball, such as shooting , emphasis will be placed on knowledge of the proper technique and/or proper technique performance of the shot rather than the number of successful baskets.

    The expected entry abilities of the students are:

                                                            -basic dribbling abilities
                                                            -concept of making baskets to win the game
                                                            -able to shoot, pass and catch with limited accuracy

    The expected exit abilities of the students are:

                                                            -moving to open space to recieve a pass, to support a teammate,
                                                             and/or to attempt a shot(tactical awareness)
                                                            -demonstrate knowledge of proper skill technique of shooting, passing,
                                                              triple threat position and pistols position via skill performance and/or verbal
                                                            -able to work respectfully and co-operatively with all classmates