"Organizational Strategies"

Examples of Spacing in a Basketball Lesson:

The lesson plan was developed for a class of approximately ~24 students in a gymnasium with 6 basketball hoops. Below are examples of how the class was spaced in the gym.

10 by 10 square: (Examples: Piggy in the Middle, 2 on 1 end line attack

Around Basket (Example: 3 on 3 Bball):

Overall Spacing in the Entire Gymnasium:

Note:  Other methods of spacing included using the entire gymnasium for group activities such as relays or with partner activities.

Examples of Grouping in a Basketball Lesson:

Students were grouped in these ways:

Methods of Grouping:

The students were grouped by using pennies and assigning numbers. The pennies and numbers were assigned by the teacher to equal teams based on ability levels. This was simply done by asking the students to find someone with the same colour penny or number. This system was effective in collecting and returning equipment as well. When unequal numbers were encountered, the game was modified to incorporate all students. Each lesson was planned to simplify the groupings of students. For example, Lesson # 2 was grouped as follows:

(Entire class--------Entire class--------Groups of 6---------Groups of 3)

Grouping in this manner enabled the transition periods to be short in duration.