Four Corner Passing Drill

Tactical Problem: Maintaining possession of the ball
Skill development: passing the ball and moving to the space

Teaching Points

       -pass to open space
       -only pass to person when they are ready
         to receive the ball
       -depending on where receiver is, apply 
         appropriate force and timing to make an
         accurate and effective pass

        -chest pass, bounce pass, overhead pass 
        -pass receiving (hands up and in position for
         where the pass should go)



Organizational Points

       -groups of three according to pinny color
       -four cones to mark a grid
       -each person by a cone (one cone is free)

       1. always pass to the free cone 
       2. call the name of the person you want to 
           move to the free cone
       3. passer moves to the cone the receiver came
       4. add a defender in (similar to the four square
           defender game of lesson 1)
                   -passer use triangle support system
                    (allows for passer to always have 
                     two options


                   Blue circle = offense
                   Orange circle = ball
                   Yellow circle = cones