Teacher Guided Dribbling

Tactical Problem: Maintaining possession of the ball
Skill development: dribbling

Teaching Points

        -keeping the dribble going (don't pick ball up)

       -ball handling skills:
                -move ball around waist in both directions
                -move ball around ankles in both directions
                -move ball around neck in both directions
                -figure eights around ankles
       -controlled dribble with each hand
       -high dribble with each hand
       -low dribble with each hand
       -dribble in seated position
       -dribble lying down on back



Organizational Points

      -all students need a ball
      -line students up on center circle line
             -instruct students to take steps back to spread
              out but make sure all students can see and 
              hear the teacher
      -keep ball moving at all times until teacher 
       says STOP!

       -inform the students to focus on a target while
        dribbling or manipulating the ball, this forces
        students to keep their head up


                                    Blue circles = students
                                    Green circle = teacher
                                    Orange circles = balls