Zig Zags

Tactical Problem: Defending the ball
Skill development: defensive shuffle/slide, defensive pivot and change of direction, hand position

Teaching Points

     -control offensive player's movement and

      -ready position

      -point foot in direction you are leading 
       offensive player
      -low base
      -do not let feet collide on shuffle
      -have lead leg hand down to pick up 
       mishandled ball
       -have trail leg hand up to interfere with pass

  Pivot (to change the direction of the offensive player)
      -plant the lead leg
      -swing trail leg backwards approximately 90 



Organizational Points

       -set up cones in a zig zag formation
       -in pairs, one player with the ball and the 
         other in the defensive, ready position
       -player with ball dribbles and player without 
        ball guides him or her to the cone
       -once at cone defensive player pivots and 
         shuffles, guiding offensive player to the 
         next cone
       -alternate defensive and offensive positions 
         once the end line is reached


                   Blue circle = offense
                   Green square = defense
                   Orange circle = ball
                   Yellow circle = cones