Managerial Routines & Organizational Strategies

1) Equipment

                -enough balls for each student
                -cones to mark off playing areas
                -pinnies to divide students into teams
                -miscellaneous equipment such as bean bags, extra cones, different balls and hula
                 hoops for warm-up and organizational purposes                 -all equipment will be put off to the side and out of the way of play area
                -balls will be put in a bin or a hula hoop to avoid rolling into play area
                -cones will be spaced appropriately according to activity
                -pinnies will be put into even piles and handed out according to number of students
                 to minimize the amount of team organizing time

2) Procedures

                -line up at classroom door (quietly)
                -change into gym strip immediately
                -students meet in the center of gym and sit down
                     (selected students will help set up activity)
                -end of class put equipment away, change out of
                 gym strip and line up at the door

3) Groupings and Transitions

                - groups of 2 = partner work
                - groups of 3 = most activities in block plan
                  -pinnies will be used to distinguish groups
                -teacher will indicate when transition should occur

                    -for partner work--find someone with a pinny of a different color
                                             --number yourselves 1 and 2 (person 1 and person 2 each have a task)
                                             --continually switch partners to experience a variety of playing levels

                    -for groups of 3--will be matched according to pinny color
                                           --keep these groups for all of the modified games

4) Classroom rules

5) Teaching Space

6) Support Materials

7) Non Participating Students

                                   -Time Management Observation
                                        -in this activity the student is assessing the teacher's time management

                                   -Organizational Skills
                                        -in this activity the student can assess the teacher's organization of the