Student Learning

    Student learning will take place and be assessed by the Games Performance Assessment Instrument (Griffin, Mitchell & Oslin, 1997). The three components of this instrument, Decision Making, Skill Execution, and Support can be measured by the classes peers in pairs while observing a game situation.  The sheet provided below is a simple tick and tally sheet to provide an evaluation based on tactical awareness and skill execution.  

GPAI sheet from (Griffin, Mitchell & Oslin, 1997)

Decision Making Criteria: Making appropriate choices about what to do with the object during possession.
Skill Execution Criteria: Efficient performance of skills. (ie: control of pass, set for triple threat, ball reaches target, ball shot above net into target area)
Support Criteria: Making appropriate off-the-ball movements to a position to receive a pass when a teammate has possession

To further test learning of a specific unit written exams and skill test should be used.  By using the above assessment in combination with written tests and skill tests grading for Physical Education will become much more efficient.  

Teacher Learning

    Teacher assessment is something that should be constantly done to ensure effectiveness and efficiency of certain units.  The fallowing sheets can be completed by both evaluating teachers or students in the class.  

Time on task sheet

Organizational Skills sheet


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