Managerial Routines


1) Equipment:

    Each class will require rugby balls, at least 2 different colors of pinnies, and enough cones to effectively run grid drills and demonstrations.

2) Procedures:

    Equipment should be laid out prior to class and grids or drills which use cones should be set up. When student come to class they should not touch any of the equipment unless instructed to do so. Students should change as quickly as possible to ensure the maximum time is spent playing. Students should come prepared to play indoors and ourdoors which ever the weather or teacher dictates.

3) Groupings:

    Any groupings done for drills or team activities will be done by the teacher so that everyone is included and no one is isolated from other peer groups. Different student interactions will be sought out and pairings will be altered every couple of drills or minutes. In pair work, students may be asked to find their own partners as there can only be one person left out in this situation which will add to a group of 3.

4) Classroom rules:

    -Arrive on time and in proper PE strip. (including footwear)
    -No gum chewing
    -No hats
    -All jewlery should be taken off or held by the teacher.

5)  General Etiquette:

    -Students should respect the instructor, listen and move quickly to their designated positions.
    -Come prepared to play and abide by the rules set by the instructor.
    -Teacher will be on time, prepared, respectful and excited for the lesson.