
Student Learning
 GPAI (Game Performance Assessment Instrument):  For Game Form for Soccer

    This instrument is a tool for teachers to measure development among his/her students. Teachers can delegate this tool to other students so one can assess another. It is a good tool to help students understand what they need to improve on, instead of verbal feedback, the students now have literature to assess their performance. GPAI is two fold, in that a student can be assessed and learn to assess peers. For example, in a soccer activity, partners share responsibilities while one performs and the other assesses the performance. The GPAI allows a student/teacher to assess one's performance, behavior, and individual skills.

    To assess performance, including behavior-specific skills, a student searches for:

1. Decision-Making - Player attempts to pass to open teammate.
                                 - Knowing when, where and how to pass?

2. Skill Execution - Passing, shooting, dribbling, ball control, and restarting play (throw-ins and free kicks).

3. Cover/Support - Anticipating when and where to support the ball carrier.
                             - Knowing how to cover an area when defensive help is needed, as well as to cover open spaces.

    A player's behavior is broken down into grading criteria consisting of: appropriate(A)/inappropriate(IA) for Decision Making and effecient(E)/ineffecient(IE) for Skill Execution. The person assessing can simply check off or shade the area for which criteria applies. Once the activity is finished, the student who was performing can analyze their performance by looking at what areas they are successful at and areas they need to improve on.
i.e. Gertrude //////////////////////////////////  ////////////////////////////////////
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 Key: A = Appropriate IA = Inappropriate
 E = Efficient  IE = Inefficient

    In addition to assessing behavior, a student/teacher can also assess individual skills.

1. Base - Making the necessary movements to recover back to ideal position on the field. Occurs regularly during off-the-ball movements, so one can be in position to either attack, defend, etc..
2. Adjust - Body movements required in correspondence to where the play is. React to play by using a split-step technique (a quick adjustment with feet to maintain balance, etc.) and adjusting the body accordingly to the play.
3. Decision-Making - Based on player's decisions within the game. Where to pass? How can I get open? Does the ball carrier need support? These are some questions a player will propose during a game. They are assessed on whether or not if it was the appropriate decision.
4. Skill Execution - How effective was the skill? Assess whether the student performed an accurate pass or not.
5. Support - Knowing how to support the ball carrier, by locating space to receive a pass.
6. Cover - Showing the ability to cover areas where defensive help is needed.
7. Guarding/Marking - To pick up an opponent on defense and offense.

    To demonstrate this criteria, a player must be able to recognize the 4 R's Model. This model consists of a player's ability to read a play, to respond with the appropriate movements, to react, and to recover to a base position. Check out below link to get a more detailed explanation of the GPAI. The linked version is composed according to net/wall games (i.e. tennis), but the content is similar.


Teaching Instruction

    The GPAI is a good tool to provide feedback for students, but what about the teacher? There are two tools that can assess the teacher's performance; Time on Task sheet, which assesses time management and a form that describes the Organizational Skills of the teacher. A Time on Task recording sheet consists of three areas that are assessed (Teacher talk; Management/Organization; Student Engagement). A student who has no gym attire can not participate, but he/she can assess the teacher using this sheet, simply by shading in the blanks and making notes. Once the lesson is over the teacher can analyze this sheet so he/she can improve on time management.
    The Organization Skills form provides similar feedback but in different content. This form consists of how well a teacher uses space, the formation of groups, behavior, and organizes equipment and safety.
