Penalty Shot
Game/Task Outline

Tactical Problem: Attacking the goal. Accurate shooting.
Skill development: Proper technique used in free kicks and penalty shots. Develops a student's ability to control the direction of the ball, including spin.

Teaching Points: 
  • Non-dominant foot planted and pointed at target. 
  • Introduce the bodily movements involved in the weight transfer and force generation of kicking a penalty shot (torso twist, balance from one foot to the other, cocking the leg and foot back, pointing of left hand at target).
  • Choose specific targets in the goal, so the concept of shooting in different directions can be understood.
  • Kick at different heights, low, middle and high shots. This allows students to understand how much of the kicking foot is in contact with the ball when executing a low to high penalty shot.


Important to note that all students should be moving in this game, that is why there is a cycle. When a student returns to the penalty shot area, he/she should not be idle (excluding set-up, stance, technique). This game demonstrates the tactics involved in shooting (directional shooting, technique). This game helps students understand how to solve problems when close to the goal and to make better decisions.



Organizational Points: 
  • Students are lined up parallel to each other, therefore penalty shots must be executed alternately from one side to the other. Shooting at the same time is a safety hazard.
  • No shots are made until students are away from behind the goal and have reached the first cone.
  • Begin the game with students already positioned near the cones and in penalty shot line, so there is not a long wait at the beginning. Those in the dribbling path to the penalty shot line are forced to move to get to that line.