Managerial Routines & Organizational Strategies

1) Equipment

                - 15 soccer balls

                - Roughly 20 'hat' cones (#s change due to multiple PE classes going on at once)

                - Pinnies to separate students into teams

                - 12 flag posts to make six goals on three fields playing across the standard field.

                - Equipment is brought out at the beginning of the first PE class of the day and                

                   equipment remains there all day except at lunch hour when the soccer balls,

                   pinnies and 'hat' cones are brought back to the equipment room.

                - Balls are to be placed back into the ball container when not in use and pinnies are to be    

                   returned to the pinnie loop when they are finished with.

                - Cones positioning will vary based on the drill/activity to be performed.

                -  Students are assigned jobs as to who collects the pinnies and collects loose cones at the

                   end of class.


2) Procedures

                -  Students get changed and take attendance in the locker room 

                -  Students get into groups of four and begin a lap of field passing ball between them

                    immediately after they have left the change room.

                -  Students then perform their shuttle drill and juggling practicing.

                -  At the end of class, a student is elected by teacher to put gather all loose cones and balls

                   while another student is in charge of collecting the pinnies.

               -  Students are gathered at the goal line and given a quick wrap up talk before being

                   released to the change rooms to get ready for their next class.

3) Groupings and Transitions

                  -  The class is divided into three different groups of roughly 10 boys.

                -  Groups 1 and 2 will be both be playing a cross-field games while group 3 gets instruction

                   and after 10 minutes, groups rotate so that each group receives tactical instruction.

               -  During the instruction, students will be grouped into arrangements of 2s, 3s, and 4s for

                   the majority of the time.  This emphasizes small groups and teamwork.

                -  Pinnies will be used to distinguish teams

                -  The teacher will indicate when transition from play to instruction should occur

                -  For partner work in pairs -- find a partner and number yourselves 1 and 2 

                            -- person 1 gets to go and get a ball while person 2 has a different task such as       

                               finding an open space on the field for their pair to play

                           -- make sure that students use different partners so that they get used to playing

                               with a wide variety of skilled people.

                 - For groups of 3 -- students will number themselves off and each player will be given a

                    specific task according to his number (tasks given by teacher).


4) Class Rules

5) Support Materials

6) Non Participating Students 


    Main  Scope  Content Analysis Block Plan  Assessment      

Managerial Routines & Organizational Strategies References