BLOCK PLAN - Four lesson  unit

The block plan is an outline of a potential progression for the unit.
Links on block plan go to task/game sheets.  The task/game sheets contain teaching points, organization pointers, diagrams and images or video clips.

Lesson 1 


Maintaining Possession of the Basketball 

Lesson focus: Ball Handling

Skill Objective: Dribbling the ball under control through the use of proper techniques.

Introductory task/game
"Defend the Knee"
Skill/Concept development tasks/games
Culminating Game:   
Lesson 2 


Maintaining Possession of the Basketball   

Lesson focus: Effective Passing

Skill Objective: Awareness of when and how to use the chest, bounce and overhead passes

Introductory task/game
"Bean Bag Toss"
Skill/Concept development tasks/games
Culminating Game:   
Lesson 3 
Attacking the Basket

Lesson focus: Shooting the ball with increased accuracy.

Skill Objective: Performing close range jump shots.

Introductory task/game
Skill/Concept development tasks/games
Culminating Game: 
Lesson 4 
Defending Space

Lesson focus: Defense on and off the ball carrier.

Skill Objective: Performing an efficient defensive slide and wing denial stance.

Introductory task/game
"Invisible Wall"
Skill/Concept development tasks/games
Culminating Game: