Managerial Routines & Organizational Time Savers

- Basket of P.E. basketballs, enough balls in the class for every student.
- 6 hoops.
- Pile of cones for certain activities on certain days.

•    Attendance taken at beginning of class
•    Students will be expected to be changed into proper strip and ready for activity within 5 minutes of class start time
•    In most cases there will be no playing prior to start of class as there will be warm-ups designed for the beginning of each class
•    Starting and stopping activities: aaaannd stop!, 1,2,3,start, Everyone in!, a whistle if necessary
•    At the end of class cues will be reviewed and all materials are returned. Some students will aid the teacher in putting away equipment.

•    Nobody speaks or bounces the ball while the teacher is speaking, in order that the instructions/cues etc. can be easily heard and understood by all learners. If a problem persists, use of the 3 strike rule will be implemented.  This factor is extremely relevant in a basketball unit where students, in particular Grade 8’s, can be easily tempted to dribble the ball at different times.
•    Students must let the teacher know if they are needing to use the washroom, and must return promptly
•    Strip must be worn in order to participate in class. Those without strip will be given an assignment for the class (eg. peer assessment, teacher time on task assessment)
•    Misbehavior will not be tolerated. Use of the 3 strike rule.

1) Student given fair warning of misbehavior and the consequences
2) Student formally talked to in class or after class (or both)
3) Student subject to discipline.
    a) Initially this would entail an activity like cleaning out the P.E. equipment room.
    b) Administration and/or parents will be contacted if problem persists past a)

Organizational Time Savers

-  Have the students always PLACE their basketballs in the bin, and not throw the ball which results in basketballs all over the gym.
-  When students are paired up have them number themselves 1’s and 2’s, which will result in less student structuring and more participation time.
-   If possible, try and lay out cones to be used prior to the start of class.