
Student Assessment:

Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI)

The GPAI is a tool for teachers to use to observe and read game performance behaviours.  The class is broken up into pairs and each student is given a sheet with the GPAI criteria on it.  While one half of the pairs is playing the other half records his/her partners game behaviours. These behaviours consist of a) Decison Making
b) Skill Execution  c) Various.  These behaviours are furthor broken down into: Appropriate/Inappropriate (Decison Making) and Efficient/Inefficient (Skill Execution).  While the partner is playing the observer just checks/makes x's in the appropriate columns of the skill behaviour.

A nice feature of the GPAI form is that under the various heading an observer can pick any of the following skills and observe them as well:

                                                                                                                                                            (Griffin, 1997)

GPAI is a method of feedback that encourages students to improve their skills and tactics by giving them a cognitive framework to work from. Rather than having to worry that their assessment will impact their grade, students can receive feedback mainly for the reason of improving their personal tactics/skills. Introducing student centered feedback improves on students understanding of tactics and skills. This also takes the oweness off the teacher and puts the responsibility on the student, allowing the teacher more time to administer and monitor the class. For each teacher student assessments will carry different weight in the class grade. Regardless of the weight it carries it is an important and effective tool that should be incorporated.

Game Performance Assessment Inventory

Teacher Assessment:

To ensure that all students are participating in a lesson, an effective tool to incorporate students who are ill, are not participating physically in the class is the "Time On Task Recording Sheet."  This is a nice way to get some teacher feedback on a lesson plan.  A "Time On Task Recording Sheet" is a system of observation in which teachers receive feedback on class time spent on:  a) Teacher Talk  b) Management/Organization  c) Student Engagement

The sheet is broken down so that the time duration of the class runs along the top and the three different headings are along the side. All a person has to do is simply shade in the time spent on each category, so at the end of a lesson a teacher can look at the sheet and see how much time was spent on each category.  This is  good feedback on seeing areas that can be improved/altered.  There is also room on the sheet for the observer to make any notes that seem fitting, for example, what was being taught that wasn't working.

 Time on Task Recording Sheet