Managerial and Organizational Routines

How should the class be divided into groups?


  • Class can be divided by assigning numbers.  The problem that can occur with this is that you may end up with a wide range of skill level within the same group, causing frustration and lack of participation.
  • Physical characteristics, ie. tall, short, brown hair, blonde hair. Again, the problem that arises is that you may end up with a wide range of skill level within the same group.
  • We suggest that students should pick their own groups because they are participating with people who they will socialize with and usually that have a similar skill level as them. Even if you end up with groups with a wide range of skill level it is usually not a problem because they are friends and it becomes more of a social atmosphere. 
  • Teacher should monitor the groups to ensure that they are not always the same, and nobody is continually not included or the "odd one out."
  • A good method to avoid this is to assign a different student to be "odd one out" each class and have them join a group after they are formed.
How should equipment be dispersed, collected and switched? We recommend the following:
  • Keep the equipment outside the playing area, and keep equipment away from the area where you will be addressing the class to avoid temptation and a mad scramble to get the equipment
  • Sort and spread equipment out, provide adequate space between the different equipment. One could also use hula hoops to provide a safe area to get equipment from.
  • Once students are broken into groups assign numbers and have different numbers go and get different equipment. ex. "1's get soccer balls, 2's get cones."
  • Before any new equipment can be brought out, the previous equipment must be returned to proper location. Again this can be done using the previously assigned numbers.
  • At the end of a lesson assign each number in a group a duty to collect specific equipment and bring them in and return to their proper location.
What are some tips for using grids in the classroom?
  • It is sometimes a good idea to arrange the grids so there is space in between each grid.  This allows the tasks to be extended or simplified by adjusting the grid sizes without changing neighboring grids.
  • When marking the grids, it is important to use different size and color of cones to mark the nets so that students can more easily visualize the playing area and the goals.
What are some tips for demonstrations?
  • Arrange students in a semicircle around you so that you can see the students and the students can see you. 
  • Make sure that there is nothing distracting behind you.
  • Use students in demonstrations when possible.  Try to ensure that various students are allowed the opportunity to demonstrate different tasks or skills, and try to make sure that the students who will be demonstrating will be able to provide an adequate demo.
  • Use guided discovery as a tool for student learning.  Ask them questions to guide learning.

Class Rules
  • Attendance is mandatory and will be taken during warm-up activity.  This eliminates students standing around while attendance is taken.  This results in more time on task during the lesson. 
  • If a student will be absent the teacher should be notified in advance or provided with a note from a parent or a doctor.
Gym Strip
  • Gym strip is mandatory.
  • If a student does not arrive in gym strip they still must participate but will be penalized by a method to be determined by the teacher (ie.short essay on the importance of wearing appropriate gym strip)
  • Students should wear shorts, running shoes, and a t-shirt or sweatshirt.
Student Conduct
  • Students will not talk while teacher or another student is.  If teacher wishes to speak and the class is not quiet, the teacher should wait silently until the class is quiet.  Often body language and patience is enough to get the class quiet.
  • If students wish to say something they must raise their hand and wait to be called upon.
  • Students will treat each other with respect.  This includes rules such as refraining from name calling and criticizing negative performance.
  • If certain students are behaving inappropriately they will be asked to sit out until they are ready to participate in an appropriate manner.
  • If student returns and is still a problem the student will be asked to sit out again and will not return until asked to do so by the teacher.
  • Problems with students are often easier dealt with after class, in private.  Teachers should make a serious attempt at avoiding confrontation with the student infront of his or her peers.
Bathroom Privileges
  • Students will be allowed to go to the bathroom when they need to.  They must ask the teacher to go and report back to the teacher when they come back.
  • If this freedom becomes a problem then measures appropriate to the situation should be taken to address the situation.
Dismissing the Class
  • Before the class ends all students must bring equipment in and come in and form a semicircle infront of the teacher.  Once the class is quiet and listening the key points of the lesson can be reviewed and any information regarding the next lesson can be discussed.
  • Once equipment has been accounted for and the class is quiet they may be dismissed.
  • Important to allow the students enough space to perform the task/skill effectively in a safe environment.
  • Also important to keep students within a close enough proximity to provide frequent feedback.
  • An effective tool to achieve this is using a grid formation.  A grid formation also makes extending and simplifying a task a lot easier.
  • Use your space effectively. Use discretion to utilize any open space you have, avoid having students bunched together.