Unit Materials

Skill Progressions:

Teacher Cues:
        -Head up.
        -Knees bent.
        -Tap the ball forward with control.
        -Use the instep and the outstep.
        -Do not push ball too far in front of you, it is a sign of poor control.
        -If the ball is on your right foot, have your left arm up and to your side and vice versa.
          This is for balance and to shield off defenders.

Task Progressions:
        -Dribbling in a straight line.
        -Dribbling around cones.
        -Dribbling around passive defenders (must protect the ball).
        -Dribbling around active defenders (protect the ball).
        -Passing and recieving passes while dribbling.

Teacher Cues:
        -Non striking foot to the side of the ball.
        -For accuracy, pass with the top or the inside of foot.
        -Extend the thigh at the at the hip for power.
        -Follow through with striking foot..
        -Transfer weight forward through the ball.
        -Head up to see your target.
        -Square to target.
        -Return to a base position and be ready to respond to next play.
Task Progressions:
        -Stationary partner passing.
        -Same as above but with instep, outstep and the top of foot.
        -Passing while moving amongst a crowd.
        -Passing from varying distances.
        -Lob pass to evade the defenders.

Teacher Cues:
        -Non striking foot forward.
        -Lots of extension at the hip for power generation.
        -Head up to look at the target.
        -Transfer weight forward as striking the ball.
        -Follow through with the striking foot.
        -Lean over top of the ball to keep the shot low.
        -Lean back to make the shot go high.
        -After shot ,return to a functional base postion and be ready to react.
Task Progressions:
        -Shooting a non-moving ball, one at a time in a semi circle.
        -First, keep the ball low by leaning over the ball.
        -Second, make a high shot by leaning back.
        -Extend to shooting on the run.
        -Extend to shooting after recieving a pass.
        -Extend to shooting immediately after recieving a pass.

Objectives of Unit:

    Get the students co-operating and working with students that they would not typically pick as a partner. Give them some social responsibility to help each other with the acquisition of skills and the understanding of various games. Promote a positive and healthy learning environment, especially for the students who are struggling with the unit.

    Allow the students to think about the games and various situations within the games. This process will take place through guided learning. Once students start to think about the games and the tactics within the games they will develop a greater understanding of how to play. Better yet, they will learn how to be successful. If a student is successful in soccer they will be able to transfer their knowledge into other invasion games such as basketball and ultimate frisbee.  In addition, success is usually required for further participation and development.
    It becomes clear that if we can challenge the students cognitively in PE and allow them to think about 'how the game works,' they will realise far greater benifits than if we throw a ball on the field and watch them play. This is why the cognitive aspect is so crucial to the unit.