    This four lesson unit plan was designed for a grade 6/7, co-ed physical education class.  There were 26 students in the class and we had the total gym area with which to teach.  The objectives of this unit plan are to help the students develop a proper forearm pass and overhead pass using both a tactical and skill approach.

Entry Ability

     - the students had previous knowledge of the skills and play of volleyball
     - they were able to name the key points of performing a proper pass
     - the students were able to prevent the ball from touching the floor in a closed environment, but not more than twice consecutively

Exit Ability

     - the students will understand the impotance of staying low when performing a proper forearm pass
     - the students will be able to maintain a rally in a closed environment using the correct method
     - the students will be able to pinpoint mechanical errors by watching their partners pass the ball
