Student Assessment
Grading Breakdown:
50% Participation
30% Teacher's Evaluation (GPAI)
10% Log book assignment
10% Peer teaching assignment
Teacher Evaluation:
Assessment will be contingent on the Games Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI). Student progress to be broken down into three components of measurement: decision making, skill execution, and support. The teacher may use an abbreviated version of the GPAI, but it must be compliant with the tactical components that enable a novice learner to improve tactical complexity and move forward.
This unit has also been designed with a repetition of a 2 v 2 game at both the beginning of the unit and the end. This has been designed to allow teachers to mark student progress through the unit and assess how much learning has actually occurred, primarily in the psychomotor and cognitive domains.
Log Book Assignment:
Students will be asked to write a brief reflection of each lesson in this unit. Students will be given prompt questions designed to guide their thinking and allow for the instructor to note trends in student behavior. It is through this log book assignment that the most learning in the affective and social domains will be addressed and evaluated as guiding questions will emphasize that area. The teacher will give each student brief comments on their reflection each week so that the students have a better understanding of their progress and engage them cognitively in the unit. Peer teaching will also be included as part of the log book.
Peer Teaching:
Although in this unit peer teaching is not included, it could be made a key component in order to gauge student understanding and progress. Allowing students to work as both tutor and learner for specific skills, such as the underhand serve, will engage all three learning domains. As a tutor, students are engaged both cognitively and affectively as they provide feedback for their peers. As learner, students are engaged in the psychomotor and affective domain as they have multiple practice of the skill. Students would be assessed only as the tutor, based on a checklist of factors that they must teach their partner to do.