Lesson 2 - individual tactics & stick handling


                diagram                    Task & Progressions              CUES  

Mass Dribble

  1. -For first 2 minutes, move around space individually to get the feel of stick handling

  2. -In pairs, partner behind has ball; partner in front is the leader

  3. -Follow partner throughout designated area keeping the ball within one foot of the stick

  4. -Ball cannot be taken by others; when whistle blows, switch positions

Red Rover

  1. -Begin with one or two students as “Rover”

  2. -Rest of students line up about 15 feet away with a stick and a ball

  3. -Call “Red Rover” and “Rover” tries to remove ball from other students

  4. -If ball taken away, student becomes a “Rover”

  5. -Continue until one student remains


  1. -In the designated area, each player has a stick and a ball

  2. -Stick handle around other players

  3. -When “PIRANHA” is exclaimed, players can try to knock other players balls out of the grid, while protecting their own ball

  4. -If ball is hit from the playing area, go to the designated area and continue with mass dribble

360 Hockey

  1. -Separate class into 4 teams

  2. -One team defends the North/South goals (passing); the other team defends the East/West (stick handling) goals

  3. -To score on the North/South goals, the offensive team must complete a pass through the cones and the ball must be stopped within 2 feet of the cones

  4. -To score on the East/West goals, the offensive team must stick handle the ball through the cones and stop the ball within 1 foot of the cones

Mass Dribble

  1. -Head up

  2. -Bend at knees, not hips

  3. -2 hands on stick

  4. -Keep ball close to stick

Red Rover

  1. -Head up

  2. -Keep ball close to stick

  3. -Rovers - stay low to ground and keep stick on ground


  1. -Keep ball close to stick

  2. -Keep stick on ground

  3. -Guard ball by keeping back to piranhas

  4. -Use full space

360 Hockey

  1. -Use full space

  2. -Create space

  3. -Find open space

  4. -Control ball

  5. -Ball close to stick

  6. -Head up

  7. -Communicate

  8. -Keep low to ground when on defense

CLICK HERE for full lesson plan with game progressions and simplifications