Lesson 4 - Transitional play
Lesson 4 - Transitional play
diagram Task & Progressions CUES
4 Corner Transition A
-In groups of 4, set up a square with 4 cones about 9 feet apart
-3 players in the square; the fourth acts as a coach and modifies the game to increase or decrease difficulty
-Player with ball stick handles to an area between two cones and then makes an outlet pass to either player
-Players without ball must move to cones farthest away to receive pass
4 Corner Transition B
-Same set up as “A”
-Add a defender
-Supporting players must form a triangle of support
-Groups of 3; 2 players are offensive and 1 defensive
-Offensive players cannot enter their own defensive zone; defensive players cannot enter neutral/offensive zones
-Start with a N.H.L. faceoff
-Offense has one shot to hit the cone with the ball; then the defender retrieves ball and makes a transition pass to teammates in the neutral zone
Outlet Endball
- Create 4 teams & set up 2 playing areas
-Use substitutions if there are more than 4 players on each team
-Score by completing a pass in the offensive end zone
-When scored on, defensive team must make a pass to a player in the outlet cones before attempting to score (this pass is free)
4 Corner Transition A
-Head up
-Lead pass
4 Corner Transition B
-Head up
-Lead pass
-Defense stay low to ground
-Try to block passing lane(s) with stick
Neutral Zone Transitions
-Head up
-Crisp passes
-Lead pass
-Support teammates
-Change direction/speed
-Defense stay low to ground
-Stick out to block passing lane
-Keep stick on ground and to the inside
Outlet Endball
- Head up
-Crisp passes
-Lead pass
-Support teammates
-Move to open space, make space for others
-Change direction/speed
-Defense stay low to ground
-Stick out to block passing lane
-Keep stick on ground and to the inside
CLICK HERE for full lesson plan with game progressions and simplifications