Lesson 3




To see how many people on your team can get to the end line.


  1. 1)If you don’t make it through the gate safely, you go back to the start

  2. 2)Once you get through the gate, you are in a one meter safe zone

  3. 3)If you make it to the end zone safely, you score one point for your team

Content Analysis

Tactical Problem: Offensive Concept: Keep Possession

On-the-ball skills: Stick Handling

Organization and Set up

- Divide the class into four groups with each team having a different colour pinnie.

- Each team will have a chance to defend and the teams will rotate after 2 mins

- Assign one member of each group to retrieve sending and receiving equipment

- see layout

Possible Modifications

- Students have sticks and pucks

- Make zones smaller/add defenders.

Key Questions

- What are some techniques that made your team successful?

- What made it difficult to the other teams to score?

4 Goal Hockey


To score a goal by shooting the puck through one of two of your opponent’s marked goal

Click 4 Goal Hockey.doc for diagram


  1. 1)Three passes before you can score

  2. 2)If the puck goes out of bounds it is given to the other team.

  3. 3)Scoring is achieved by making three passes then passing through the marked goal area.

Content Analysis

All Tactical, Off-the-ball skills and On-the-ball skills

Organization and Set up

- Divide the class into groups of 3.

- Have them play a mini game of floor hockey but with each team having two goals.

- Assign one member of each group to retrieve sending and receiving equipment

Possible Modifications

- Place a cone as the goal target

- More or less passes needed before you can score

Key Questions

- How can you effectively defend your goal and gain possession of the puck?



To score a goal by shooting the puck through your opponent’s marked goal

Click O-Zone.doc for diagram


  1. 1)Three passes before you can score

  2. 2)If the puck goes out of bounds it is given to the other team.

  3. 3)Scoring is achieved by making three passes then passing through the marked goal area.

  4. 4)Defenders cannot pass centre and offense must stay in the O-Zone.

  5. 5)You can pass between zones

Content Analysis

Tactical: Transitional Concepts

All Off-the-ball skills and On-the-ball skills

Organization and Set up

- Divide the class into groups of 3.

- Have them play a mini game of floor hockey but the defense is not allowed to pass center and offense must stay in the O-Zone

- Assign one member of each group to retrieve sending and receiving equipment

Possible Modifications

- Place a cone as the goal target

- More or less passes needed before you can score

- Add more players

Key Questions

- How can you effectively defend your goal and gain possession of the puck?

- How were you successful in making three passes?

- Where should you go when you don’t have the puck?