Videogames in Education: Interacting with Immersive Worlds. Presenting with Leanna Madill. Immersive World Conference, June, 2007.

Literacy Learning through Videogames -- Changing Understandings, Changing Practices. Presenting with Leanna Madill. NCTE. New York, November 2007.

E-portfolio in teacher education: Student ownership of their learning and the standards to be certified as teachers. (accepted). Presenting with Tim Hopper. CSSE/CATE. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, May 2007.

Re-creating code, community, and critique: Literacy development through classroom videogame design. CSSE/LLRC. (accepted). Presenting with Leanna Madill. May 2007, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

New Literacies and Technology. CSSE/LLRC Symposium (accepted). Presenting with Michele Knobel, Colin Lankshear, Roberta Hammett. May 2007. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

E-Portfolios for individual and programmatic development: Building on tradition through technological innovation. Presenting with Tim Hopper, Luanne Krawetz. Westcast, February 2007, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

How do boys learn literacy? A narrative inquiry. Academic Homeplace Conference, University of Alberta CRTED, November 23-25, 2006.

How might teacher education live well in a changing world? Presented with Tim Hopper. International Conference on Teacher Education, November 2-4, 2006, Calgary, Alberta

Teacher knowledge and university classes integrated in a school: Constructing situated learning. Presented with Tim Hopper. International Conference on Teacher Education, November 2-4, 2006, Calgary, Alberta

Literacy Learning through Video Games. SSHRC-funded Invitational Conference -- Technology & Literacy, Memorial University, October 16-18, 2006

Technological/Textual Critical Literacy vs. Sociocultural Critical Literacy. Presented with Leanna Madill. Future Play Conference, London, Ontario, October, 2006.

Video Game Identity Construction: “Now that I’m talking about it, what’s wrong with me?” Presented with Leanna Madill. Canadian Games Studies Association, September2006, York University, Toronto, Ontario.