My name is Yong Qing ,
in Chinese it means Forever Young.

I am a prostitute,

 in Chinatown that means young die young.

My world is full of paradox where passion and violence, prejudice and co-dependence blossom collectively.

The zenith of all irony is my very existence. Victoria is a beautifully eclectic mix cultures and customs but I am not one of them.

I am merely a commodity to be imported and exported, used and abused.

In this Bachelor Society sex is a rational need.
I am product of economic demand not a thinking, feeling human being like everyone else.

I come from a poor farming family in southern China. My father sold me when I was 9 to a brothel in the city to pay his opium debts.

I was going to be sent to Gold Mountain, a land of freedom and wealth across the Pacific ocean. I was ecstatic !

Brokers of  Souls.....