Sex and Racism

We have been tipped off that there will be another police raid tonight.  They happen every month or so, I will have to give them a few days pay and take a few beatings. One of the officers is actually customer of mine.

Through prostitution I am able to see a darker side of human nature where sex and violence subsist. Pleasure and hatred mutually co-existing.

Although White men visit me, I am a representation of the devil in their community; not only because I am a prostitute but because I am Chinese. The Whites protest to the municipal government complaining that we are all unsanitary opium addicts and prostitutes who steal their jobs

This belief resulted in the 1885 head-tax imposed on Chinese immigrants. 
The  head-tax had a two-fold purpose for policy makers, it would make it difficult for women to enter Canada thus suppressing the growth of Chinese population and also to create less competition of jobs for the White community. 

A Chinese labour man can work off his head-tax while employed by the railroad, but Chinese women are  perceived by the Canadian government as an unprofitable burden that does not fit the favoured immigration ethic lines.  So I don't see the the staus of Chinese girls in this town getting any better for a long time.

Their prejudice reflects an vast incomprehension of our way of life. Their hatred is just an excuse to create an all White Victoria. The White community have even more elaborate prostitution rings than the Chinese but somehow we are considered more immoral.

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