1858 - Richard goes west to prospect for gold in area of Victoria.

1862 - Maynard's arrive in Victoria on Sierra Nevada from San Francisco.

1868 - Richard travels to Barkervile with son Albert.

1874-1892 - Photographic Gallery is moved to new location on corner of Douglas and Johnson.

1880-1895 - Hannah Produces promotional 'Gems'.

1882-1904 - Aurthur Rappertie is hired as Hannah's assistant.

1888 - Daughter Emma dies.

1892 - Richard photographs seal fishing in Bering Sea to be sent to international commission.

1907- Richard dies.

1918 - Hannah dies.


1852 - Richard and Hannah Maynard arrive in Bowmanville, West Canada from Cornwall, England.

1859-61 - Hannah learns Photography.

1863-1874 - First Photographic Gallery opens.

1873,1874 - Richard commissioned to travel around Vancouver Island with superintendent of Indian Affairs.

1879, 1882, 1887- Richard travels to Alaska.

1881-1900 - Richard is commissioned to document construction of C.P.R.

1883 - Daughter Lillie dies.

1892 - Third Photographic Gallery opened on Pandora.

1897 - Hannah becomes official photographer of Victoria Police Mug Shots.

1912 - Hannah retires.