Dynamics and Probability Seminar Spring 2024

The Dynamics and Probability seminar will meet on Tuesday afternoons at 2:30 in DSB C114, or on Zoom when the speaker is not present in Victoria. All are welcome. Please contact Anthony Quas for the zoom link. The list of seminars is as follows. For further information, please contact me at aquas(a)uvic.ca or Gourab Ray at gourabray(a)uvic.ca

Date Speaker Title
16/1/2024 Anthony Quas (UVic) Gaps between Lyapunov exponents
23/1/2024 Gourab Ray (UVic) Minimal spanning arborescence
30/1/2024 Ronnie Pavlov (Denver) Subshifts with very low word complexity
6/2/2024 Sajin Koroth (UVic) Understanding the lifting phenomena (exporting our understanding from weak models of computation to strong models) and the underlying pseudo-random properties
13/2/2024 Eric Foxall (UBCO) Some uses of ordered representations in finite-population exchangeable ancestry models
27/2/2024 Partha Dey (UIUC) Random optimization problems at fixed temperatures
5/3/2024 Benoit Corsini (Eindhoven) Local weighted optimizations and open problems
12/3/2024 Te-Chun Wang (UVic) On the Gaussian asymptotics of the Stochastic Heat Equation and Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation for spatial dimensions d>=3
19/3/2024 Tamara Kucherenko (New York) Ergodic Theory on Coded Shifts
26/3/2024 Agnieszka Zelerowicz (UC Riverside) Lorentz gases on quasicrystals
2/4/2024 Yu-Ting Chen (UVic) Stochastic path integrals: classical and new

Date: 16/1/2024
Speaker: Anthony Quas (UVic)
Title: Gaps between Lyapunov exponents
Abstract: We consider an arbitrary sequence of d*d matrices (A_n) of norm at most 1 and subject them to noiselike perturbations of size epsilon. We show that the perturbed system has simple Lyapunov spectrum (no repeated exponents) and give universal bounds on gaps between exponents as a function of d and epsilon.

Date: 23/1/2024
Speaker: Gourab Ray (UVic)
Title: Minimal spanning arborescence
Abstract: I will talk about the `minimal spanning arborescence', a directed version of the Minimal spanning tree. I will explain how this naturally leads to a new type of stochastic process which we call `loop contracting random walk'. I will show how this can be analyzed in the setting of trees. I will finish with some simulations and open questions. Joint work with Arnab Sen.

Date: 30/1/2024
Speaker: Ronnie Pavlov (Denver)
Title: Subshifts with very low word complexity
Abstract: The word complexity function p(n) of a subshift X measures the number of n-letter words appearing in sequences in X, and X is said to have linear complexity if p(n)/n is bounded. It’s been known since work of Ferenczi that linear word complexity highly constrains the dynamical behavior of a subshift. In recent work with Darren Creutz, we show that if X is a transitive subshift with limsup p(n)/n < 3/2, then X is measure-theoretically isomorphic to a compact abelian group rotation. On the other hand, limsup p(n)/n = 3/2 can occur even for X measurably weak mixing. Our proofs rely on a substitutive/S-adic decomposition for such subshifts. I’ll give some background/history on linear complexity, discuss our results, and will describe several ways in which 3/2 turns out to be a key threshold (for limsup p(n)/n) for several different types of dynamical behavior.

Date: 6/2/2024
Speaker: Sajin Koroth (UVic)
Title: Understanding the lifting phenomena (exporting our understanding from weak models of computation to strong models) and the underlying pseudo-random properties
Abstract: Lifting theorems have played a key role in many recent breakthrough results in diverse areas of theoretical cs and mathematics via simple yet profound connections between these areas and communication complexity. A typical lifting theorem translates the query complexity (a very simple model of computation) of a Boolean function to the communication complexity (a more powerful model) of an associated function obtained by a central operation of Boolean functions known as block-composition by composing with another function known as inner function. Most lifting theorems work for any Boolean function f and depend upon the pseudo-random properties of the inner function g known as the gadget. The main parameter of efficiency in lifting theorems is the input size of the inner function g. Obtaining lifting theorems for constant-sized gadgets would give us breakthrough results and a nearly complete understanding of lifting phenomena; current techniques are far from achieving this goal. The main barrier is the existence of “nice” pseudo-random properties for well-known gadgets when their input length is relatively small compared to the outer function. Recent results have shown that understanding the psudo-random properties is inherently connected to interesting questions in combinatorics (like the sunflower lemma) and in Boolean function analysis. In this talk, we will go through a high level overview of lifting theorems and the necessary condition that enable lifting phenomenon. We will also see some applications of lifting theorems in diverse areas of theoretical cs and mathematics, achieved via surprising yet simple connections. We will also go over recent advances in understanding the pseudo-random properties that drive the lifting phenomena and important barriers and open problems related to this.

Date: 13/2/2024
Speaker: Eric Foxall (UBCO)
Title: Some uses of ordered representations in finite-population exchangeable ancestry models
Abstract: For a population model that encodes parent-child relations, an ordered representation is a partial or complete labelling of individuals, in order of their descendants’ long-term success in some sense, with respect to which the ancestral structure is more tractable. The two most common types are the lookdown and the spinal decomposition(s), used respectively to study exchangeable models and Markov branching processes. We study the lookdown for an exchangeable model with a fixed, arbitrary sequence of natural numbers, describing population size over time. We give a simple and intuitive construction of the lookdown via the complementary notions of forward and backward neutrality. We discuss its connection to the spinal decomposition in the setting of Galton-Watson trees. We then use the lookdown to give sufficient conditions on the population sequence for the existence of a unique infinite line of descent. For a related but slightly weaker property, takeover, the necessary and sufficient conditions are more easily expressed: infinite time passes on the coalescent time scale. The latter property is also related to the following question of identifiability: under what conditions can some or all of the lookdown labelling be determined by the unlabelled lineages? A reasonably good answer can be obtained by comparing extinction times and relative sizes of lineages.

Date: 27/2/2024
Speaker: Partha Dey (UIUC)
Title: Random optimization problems at fixed temperatures
Abstract: We consider a class of disordered mean-field combinatorial optimization problems, focusing on the Gibbs measure, where the inverse temperature does not vary with the size of the graph and the edge weights are sampled from a general distribution. We prove Central Limit Theorems for the log-partition function, the weight of a typical configuration, and the Gibbs average in both quenched and annealed forms. We also derive quenched Poisson convergence for the size of the intersection of two independent samples, yielding replica symmetry of the model. Applications cover popular models from the literature, such as the Minimal Matching Problem, Traveling Salesman Problem, and Minimal Spanning Tree Problem, on a sequence of deterministic and random dense block graphs of increasing size. Joint work with Grigory Terlov.

Date: 5/3/2024
Speaker: Benoit Corsini (Eindhoven)
Title: Local weighted optimizations and open problems
Abstract: In this talk, I will present a recent work in which two co-authors and myself studied the behaviour of a local algorithm optimizing the weight of a graph. More precisely, the process starts with a given subgraph H of the complete graph with uniform weights and a maximal weight W, and inductively replaces a subgraph of H and of weight less than W by the minimum spanning tree on the corresponding set of vertices. Our main result shows that there is a sharp threshold for W regarding the asymptotic behaviour of this algorithm (i.e. with high probability): if W is less than 1, it is impossible to reach the global minimum spanning tree, whereas it is possible when W is larger than 1. Since this work introduces a new type of local algorithm, I will also present some related open problems. In particular, our results prove when such algorithms can reach the global minimum spanning tree and it is then only natural to ask how fast they can do so when possible. The answer to this question actually relates to efficiently packing sets of uniforms into a special type of partition and leads to a surprisingly difficult open question.

Date: 12/3/2024
Speaker: Te-Chun Wang (UVic)
Title: On the Gaussian asymptotics of the Stochastic Heat Equation and Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation for spatial dimensions d>=3
Abstract: In this talk, I will introduce my recent work on the asymptotic behaviors of the stochastic heat equation (SHE) and the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation for spatial dimensions d >== 3. The former describes the dynamics of non-equilibrium growth processes arising in statistical physics, and the latter is connected with the directed polymer model, which describes the evolution of a hydrophilic polymer chain wafting in water. As an application, the asymptotic structures of the partition function and the free energy of the continuous directed polymer will be clarified.

Date: 19/3/2024
Speaker: Tamara Kucherenko (CCNY)
Title: Ergodic Theory on Coded Shifts
Abstract: We discuss ergodic properties of coded shift spaces. A coded shift is defined as a closure of all bi-infinite concatenations of words from a fixed countable generating set. It turns out that many well-known classes of shifts are coded including transitive subshifts of finite type, S-gap shifts, generalized gap shifts, transitive Sofic shifts, Beta shifts, and many more. We derive sufficient conditions for the uniqueness of measures of maximal entropy based on the partition of the coded shift into its sequential set (sequences that are concatenations of generating words) and its residual set (sequences added under the closure). Under these conditions we provide a simple explicit description of the measure. (Joint work with M. Schmoll and C. Wolf)

Date: 26/3/2024
Speaker: Agnieszka Zelerowicz (UC Riverside)
Title: Lorentz gases on quasicrystals
Abstract: : The Lorentz gas was originally introduced as a model for the movement of electrons in metals. It consists of a massless point particle (electron) moving through Euclidean space bouncing off a given set of scatterers $\mathcal{S}$ (atoms of the metal) with elastic collisions at the boundaries $\partial \mathcal{S}$. If the set of scatterers is periodic in space, then the quotient system, which is compact, is known as the Sinai billiard. There is a great body of work devoted to Sinai billiards and in many ways their dynamics is well understood. In contrast, very little is known about the behavior of the Lorentz gases with aperiodic configurations of scatterers which model quasicrystals and other low-complexity aperiodic sets. This case is the focus of our joint work with Rodrigo Trevi\~no. We establish some dynamical properties which are common for the periodic and quasiperiodic billiard. We also point out some significant differences between the two. The novelty of our approach is the use of tiling spaces to obtain a compact model of the aperiodic Lorentz gas on the plane

Date: 2/4/2024
Speaker: Yu-Ting Chen (UVic)
Title: Stochastic path integrals: classical and new
Abstract: Feynman’s path integral expresses the probability amplitude of a quantum mechanical system as a “sum of trajectories” of the classical system. Since this integral has not been given a satisfactory mathematical meaning, a widely accepted treatment is M. Kac’s method which starts with the idea of rotating “real time” to “imaginary time.” The corresponding path integrals are stochastic, given by exponential functionals of Brownian motion. This talk will introduce a Feynman–Kac-type formula given by a non-exponential multiplicative functional of a non-Gaussian process. The formula represents the many-body delta-Bose gas in two dimensions, extending technically the two-body case obtained earlier. To contrast the classical and new, for this seminar, a significant part of the talk will discuss the classical Feynman–Kac formula.
For (some) previous semesters, see
Spring 2006
Fall 2006
Spring 2007
Spring 2008
Spring 2009
Spring 2010
Spring 2011
Spring 2012
Spring 2013
Spring 2014
Spring 2015
Autumn 2020
Spring 2021
Spring 2022
Spring 2023