Last modified: Tue Feb 20 17:36:41 AST 2001

ICMC 2001

Music Submission

Deadlines for Music submission is over. Do not send music submission by email, they will not be accepted

vote the workshop NEW

Please before filling the on line submission and before sending any material, read carefully these guidelines. We wont be able to accept any submission that does not follow strictly these guidelines.
In order to submit a Music composition to the jury for ICMC 2001 you must:

  1. Step One:
    Fill the on line form available at the end of this page. After submitting it you will receive a "Submission Registration Number". It is important that you keep this number, because is what you have to write on top of your CD, or, DAT etc. For more details on the form on line, please check step 5.
    After submitting the form, you will recieve by email your Submission Registration Nummber.
    It is important that you keep this number because you need it in order to write it on you CD, Dat, Adat, Video etc...

  2. Step Two
    Prepare a package with the composition you want to submit(see more instruction below about content) and send it to the following address:
    deadline for sending music is over

    Note:One package for each submission.

  3. Step Three
    The deadline: for sending the package February 15, 2001, based on the timestamp of the post office where you will go to send it (i.e. If you send it from Salzburg, Austria, you can send it till 11:59pm of February 15 2001, Austrian time...).

  4. Step Four:
    The package must include:
    1. Your composition, in one of the following medium (Audio CD, Dat, Adat, DA-88, Video NTSC format)
    2. ( We use a CD submission as an example, but it is the same with any of the previously mentioned medium).
      Write the title of your work and the Music Submission registration number, which will be assigned to you when you will post the submission form, on both the CD cover and the CD itself
      It is very important that you do not write your name or personal data neither on the CD cover nor on the CD itself.
    3. If you are sending a composition for instrument and electronics you can submit a score and a CD including the electronic part. If the electronic part is for live electronics, then you should send an extremely detailed score for this part, including schemes of your patches, if for examples you composed for PD or Max/Msp, you can also print and attach a screenshot of all the patches necessary for your performance.
      On top of the first page of your scores write your Submission Registration number and title, not your name.
      Improvised Music, with electronics, is also very welcome, but due to its obvious aleatoric aspect, a recording is required.
    4. Do NOT send in the package your CV, Program Notes and Requirements. This part will be done with the On-line Submission.
    5. There is a 25Euro submission fee for each submission (i.e. if you submit two composition you will pay 50Euro and so on). If you are a ICMA member this fee will be waived only for the fist two submissions. This fee is necessary to cover the expenses for the jury process.
      The fee is collected by Cogest, Italy. See instructions below, in the form.
      Submission from non ICMA members received without this fee paid will be rejected.
  5. Before you start to fill the below on line form, please check:
    1. This year you will given the option for a double submission. In Spring 2002 will take place the "Spring 2002 in Habana, Electronic Music Festival", organized by Juan Blanco and LNME (Laboratorio Nacional de Musica Electroacustica). If you check the box in the form below, your submission to ICMC 2001, will be also considered as a submission to Spring 2002 in La Habana. Note that the two selection processes are completely independent and acceptance to one of the two does not imply acceptance to the other one.
    2. New feature. If you check yes on its apposite box, once the selection process will be over -probably at the end of March 2001- your composition will be available for net broadcasting in our site. This will happen only if you accept, by checking the box in the form, and it is independent from the result of the selection process (i.e. your composition could be available for broadcasting even if has not been selected for one of the ICMC 2001 concerts).
    3. Prepare A Biography file and a Program Notes file not longer than 350 words each (the form will automatically truncate longer files). It is important that both files are saved as ASCII text file (i.e. no Word documents or similar word processors, no latex). You are allow, if you need to use html tags (i.e. <br> <b>,</b>..etc.), this would actually give a nicer format to your input, but it is not necessary.
      If it is necessary for you submission prepare also a Requirement file, following the same rules.
      Unfortunately there is a limitation, this form does not handle quotes, like this: ", so please remove them from your file and substitute them with single quotes, like this ` or a pair of single qoutes, ` + `.
    4. ...Don't worry, during the submission process you will be able to see previews or keep editing your form until you're happy with it, and ready to send it.
    5. All this elaborate process is going to help us a lot, preparing the archive and it will make the work for the jury easier, so they will be more relaxed when they will listen your composition....
      ...and helping us a lot in ordering the submissions we receive from you.
    6. Thank you for you submission and cooperation.