Last modified: Thu Feb 15 13:09:16 AST 2001

ICMC 2001

An American in ...Habana.
A short note from Roger Danneberg who traveled in March 2000 to Cuba from US to participate at the Electroacustic Music Festival, Spring in Habana.

The next ICMC (2001) is in Cuba. If you are a US citizen and wondering if you should go, please read this note. I had a wonderful experience at the Spring.
in Havana 2000 Festival, organized by the same people as ICMC 2001. At first, I wondered how to get there. Travel agents told me they could not sell me a ticket and I might have to fly to Mexico to buy one. I was not sure if I could take equipment or instruments. Friends thought it might not be safe. Here is what I learned:

GETTING THERE: The truth is that thousands of US tourists go there all the time through Canada and Mexico, most illegally, but it is legal if you attend the ICMC. I bought a ticket through a Canadian travel agent, and flights from Toronto fly right over the US to Havana every day! Since I came back with a tan and Cuban souvenirs, I told US Customs I spent the week in Cuba (Cuba does not stamp passports). The agent had to check with his supervisor, and then sent me on my way -- no problem.

EQUIPMENT, ETC.: A lot of equipment will be going to ICMC, and Cuba is a bit concerned about imports. Paperwork is required, but the organizers have dealt with this before. I took a computer, trumpet, and other electronics.

SAFETY: I saw no crime and even walked down a few more dark alleys than I should have. Tourist dollars is very important, so there are police everywhere in the tourist areas. Cubans do not have guns.

This is a great opportunity to see Cuba. Travel guidebooks are a great source of additional information, and I'm sure the ICMC web site and organizers can also help.