document changed on Mon Oct 9 12:20:07 2000

ICMC 2001

Pictures, Poster & Logo for downloading

In this page you can find the ICMC 2001 poster, plus the logos, if you'd like to link it in your page to promote the conference.

This is the jpeg of the poster at original size 1592x2420....Size=360K

Alternatively you can get a smaller one, 400x600,

Here is the the small logo. You can have the logo in your page which points to adding this line to your page:

<a href=""><img src="" width="163" height="92"></a>

small logo

Here you can find the original sources for the ICMC 2001 Logo.
If you are in the mood you can download it and play with it....If you create something interesting, we will place it in this page...

The file is made and saved in GIMP format, with all the original layers (logo1.xcf.bz2).Size=124K(35 compressed)