Last modified: Mon Jul 30 14:04:51 AST 2001

ICMC 2001

OFF-ICMC Events and proposals

This is a list of proposed off icmc events. You are free to submit a proposal, email to , and according to space and time possibilities we can offer some help to you in order to organize it. Most of the off-icmc events must be organized by the same person or group of persons that will propose it, as i mentioned we'll try to help you in this effort, particularly in the logistical aspects. There isn't a specific deadlines for organizing or for submitting proposal for such events

Off-icmc events will be scheduled, in general, after the evening concert, they can be organized in parallel -i.e. many off-icmc events can happen simultaneously- to give to icmc participants a wide choice.

Here is a initial list:


an on line report for Festivals and description of Festival from all over the world. It could be organized an informal Festival report session one night after evening concert.

web link: Festival Report


The Sounding Object group is calling for an official off-icmc meeting. A European project on sound, called "the Sounding Object", has been funded by the European Commission within the "Disappearing Computer" initiative. The project aims at developing sound models that are responsive to physical interactions and are easily matched to physical objects. Control models are developed in order to reproduce parametric variations that are natural according to the dynamics of human gestures and expressive intentions. Sound and control models are developed after the phenomenological and psychophysical characterization of a restricted class of sound events.

email contact:Davide Rocchesso

LAD (linux-audio-dev)meeting

The LAD (linux-audio-dev) mailing list is dedicated to sound architecture and application development for the Linux Operating System. Its goal is to encourage
widespread code re-use and cooperation, and to provide a common forum for all audio related software projects on Linux.

Some, amongst the LAD subscribers, think it would be a good idea to organize their official meeting in Habana as a off-icmc event.

LAD home page is::
email contact for this meeting: Francois Dechelle


you may want to consider a single 'workshop - hot topics' session where people can come and make a 5 minute presentation and there can be discussion. No advance submission or review is required, people just show up with their presentation.
No deadline you spot at least one week before the conference.

email contact:Peter Driessen


I would be interested in organizing a Cuban dance workshop (salsa etc) for beginners to advanced, with Cuban dance teachers, if you would like me to. It could be for a night or two, during icmc, and also after icmc we could have a week-long workshop that people can take if they want to, with dancing and / or percussion, accommodation provided.

Both events can raise a large amount of sponsorship money which will support the work of the Drake Music Project, a UK based charity providing opportunities for disabled people to create and perform music through the use of advanced technology. I thought that the choice of charity might be very appropriate to be associated with icmc.

email contact:Christina Anagnostopoulou


The Door Project is a Off_ICMC Lunch Time Concert. Composers can submit short compositions (max 4 minutes) based on the sampled noise of the Gentlemen's toilet in the Sate Library complex in Berlin during the ICMC 2000. You will find more detailed instructions on the official web site.

web link: The Door Project