Last modified: Mon Aug 20 16:22:08 AST 2001

ICMC 2001

ICMC 2000: Best Presentation Award

Dear ICMC 2001 delegates and ICMA Members:

The ICMA proudly announces the winner of the "ICMC 2000 Best Presentation Award". This award is given to the outstanding research presentation made at the previous year's ICMC. In a very impressive year for presentations, and in our debut year for this honor, this award is given to Dr. Ichiro Fujinaga of Peabody Conservatory of Music, Johns Hopkins University, for his paper entitled "Realtime Recognition of Orchestral Instruments".

The ICMA board selected the winner from a large pool of excellent nominations made by participants attending ICMC 2000. The presentation made by Ichiro Fujinaga at ICMC 2000 was clearly greatly appreciated by many of the audience, judging from the number of nominations he received. We would like to encourage and support his promising research.

Ichiro will be recognized at a special ceremony at the banquet of ICMC 2001 as well as the 2001 Swets and Zeitlinger award winner. We hope many of you will be able to attend.

ICMA wishes to thank all those members who nominated presentations made at ICMC 2000. We look forward to your continuing support for this important award also at ICMC 2001.

August, 2001
The ICMA Board Members