Last modified: Sun Mar 25 08:24:01 AST 2001

ICMC 2001

Workshops Information

The voting result from our survey, indicated that, as we somehow expected the majority voted for the Afrocuban percussions Workshop, and a large number as well voted for the workshop on Linux and Multimedia.
[ Here you can see the final voting results ]

According to these preferences we decided to focus on these two.
We are defining details, check later, or stay tuned on our news list, see our contact page for subscription.
Afrocuban Percussions
Two days workshop, cost 100Euros.
Afro Cuban music/drumming workshop... There will be a theory session and a practical session with Cuban percussion players

Linux & Multimedia
One day workshop, cost 50Euros.
Linux and multimedia. Even if Linux is now very strong in the multimedia field, often is not that easy to get the best set up for running and compiling multimedia software or drivers. This workshop will cover these issues. [ The DeMuDi team (DEbian MUltimedia DIstribution) will present at this ICMC the first multimedia distribution for Linux ]