Homework Assignments

February 21           Topics posted                     

Feb 23 - March 2   Topics assigned

March 13                Outlines due (individual work)

                                                        WORK ON THE PROJECT AND ON THE POSTER

March 29/30           Install your poster PRIOR to the poster session


March 30 (Th) - 31(Fri) submit your reviews and vote for your favourite poster

                               email me the e-version of your poster                   

March 30-April 4   Posters on display            

           2016 SUMMER



POSTER SESSION   2017 Spring

Materials of this course may not be redistributed without explicit permission of the instructor

HW 1, due Jan 12  

HW 2, due Jan 19  

HW 3, due Jan 26 

HW 4, due Feb 2  

HW 5, due Feb 9-14 


       Research project outline due March 9

HW 6, due March 16 

HW 7, due March 23

Comments re posters:

  1. 1.Your poster is allowed to have 9 to 12 pages, A4 (standard), including references.  The title may be on an additional page.  Don’t overdo on text, make graphs large and colourful.

2. You can print your poster on any printer, no need to use “poster printing services”.

3. You may change the poster title (to better reflect the content), and you’re also allowed to change - to some degree - the scope of your project, depending on your researched material.   

  If you do so, please let me know, otherwise, I’ll assume that the title and scope are as on the        project outline.  No changes allowed after Monday, March 27.

  1. 4. Please set up your poster PRIOR TO THE POSTER SESSION.   The poster boards shall be in place on Wednesday, March 29.  

I strongly suggest that each poster be prepared by a team of 2 students.  

Please try to find a partner with whom you can share the project’s topic and your work on the poster.    Except for the poster preparation, other work on the project shall be done individually by each student, including the project’s outline, the project’ preparatory work, and the presentation at the poster session.  

Pls see my suggestions for your research projects.  There are at least twice as many topics as expected project teams, so you have quite a choice.  You may also suggest your own topic for approval.  If more than one team is interested in the same topic, I’ll try to find the solution. 

Please sign in for a topic, preferably with a partner, prior to March 2.

The outlines (written individually, not as a team) are due on Thursday, March 9.        

If you don’t write the formulas, input data, and steps of your calculations, and your answer is incorrect, you’ll get no partial credit for that question. 

Always show intermediate steps in your calculations, not just the result.

Please write clearly. If your answers are un-readable, you’ll lose points.

Poster Session on Thursday, March 30  

Assignment X : Research Project

I’ll be happy to discuss with you anything re Phys314 on Tue-Wed-Th, 3 to 5 pm

POSTER SESSION   2015 Spring