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Erin Woods Elementary School
Grades 3 and 4

"The Mouse and the Light" Art Work and Exchange

Students and adults from Erin Woods have created an original film and a quilt that artistically represents Lisa Suhay's peace fable "The Mouse and the Light". This film and quilt will be sent to children in Deenabandhu, India as part of a Global Arts exchange. Copies of the film will also be sent to children and adults in Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan as part of Global Arts exchange and a quest for world peace, freedom, and justice.

Link to Video

Background of "The Mouse and the Light"

Shortly after September 11th Lisa Suhay (children's book author, mother, and freelance writer for the New York Times) wrote the "The Mouse and the Light," a peace fable to help empower children and adults to cope with terrorism and overcome hate, intolerance and fear. The fable is being used (free of charge) in schools and newspapers, radio and TV all over Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the Middle East, the Philippines and Turkey - translated now into Arabic, Pashtu and Persian.

Lisa Suhay's hope is for the positive message of this fable to spread as far and wide as possible. The children and community of Erin Woods Elementary school have become a part of this hope and vision for a peaceful world.