Basic FactsTh e Murder And MicrohistoryProstitute Kills LoverWho's Who



7 October 1898,
The Case Could be Over by Tonight!

Not all of the witnesses who were brought into the courtroom to testify were needed. Among the witnesses called was Charles Atkinson. He testified that Adams waited for the victim all night in his hotel room at the Empire Hotel. Atkinson stated that Adams planned to "dope" Kincaid as soon as he got home. However, Atkinson also testified that he had seen Kincaid chasing Adams several times.

Court House and Jail, photo courtesy of British Columbia Archives, A-02818. Location of the trialCarrie Jackson also testified on behalf of the victim and told the court that she had heard Adams threaten to kill Kincaid him if he left her. She also said that Kincaid had locked up his razors on several occasions in fear that Adams would harm him. George Irving and Retta Harmen also supported Jackson's testimony.

Interestingly enough Constable Murray testified that Kincaid's room looked like there had been no force or foul play whatsoever.

Mr. Powell, from the defence announced at the beginning of the trial that he had received a list of witnesses from the crown and that he had based his defence on this. However, when it came to his attention that the Crown would not be using these witnesses he asked for a 20-minute recess. Mr. Powell was eventually granted an adjournment of one day to re-assess his defence. The trial would commence on 8 October 1898.

Click HERE to see actual Daily Colonist Article for 7 October 1898.