About Me


I obtained a B.Sc. (1982) in Pure Mathematics from Xiamen University and an M.B.A. (1986) and an Ph.D (1990) from Dalhousie University. Held a Killam postgraduate scholarship (1987-1990) while completing a PhD in Applied Mathematics under the supervision of Professor Michael Dempster. Worked as postdoctoral researcher (1990-1992) at the Centre de Recherches Mathématiques under the supervision of Professor Francis Clarke. Joined the University of Victoria as an Assistant Professor (1992) as a NSERC Women’s Faculty Award holder, subsequently becoming a Associate Professor with tenure in 1997 and a Full Professor in 2002.

I’ve been a visiting professor at Université de Pau France, Université de Perpignan, Université de Toulouse III, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Xiamen University, and Hong Kong Baptist University.

Editoral Service: Associate Editor of SIAM Journal on Optimization.

Recipient of the Canadian Mathematical Society’s 2015 Krieger-Nelson Prize.


My broad research area is comprised of optimization, optimal control theory and variational analysis, as well as their applications in Economics, Engineering and Statistics.

My main research specializations can be categorized under the following headers: