Dr. W.J. Reed
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William J. Reed, Ph.D. (Brit. Col.), Professor
Research Interests:
Current: Normal-Laplace distributions and their applications in
finance, survival analysis etc; circular distributions.
Recent: Size distributions and scale-free phenomena; mechanisms which
generate Pareto (power-law) tails.
Earlier: Stochastic modelling and statistics in resource
management, biology and economics.
Selected Recent Papers
- Reed, W. J. 2000. Reconstructing the history of forest fire frequency:
identifying hazard rate change points using the Bayes information criterion.
Can. J. of Stat. 28: 352-365
- Reed, W. J. 1999. Forest fires and oilfields as percolation
- Reed, W. J. The Pareto, Zipf and other power
laws. Economics Letters (2001) 74:15-19
- Reed, W. J. 2003. The Pareto law of incomes - an explanation and an
extension (Physica A 319:469-486)
- Reed, W. J. On the rank-size distribution for
human settlements. J. Regional Science (2002) 41:1-17
- Reed, W. J. and M. Jorgensen, 2004. The double Pareto-lognormal distribution - A new
parametric model for size distribution. Com. Stats -Theory & Methods, Vol. 33, No. 8., 1733-1753
- Reed, W. J. and K. S. McKelvey. Power law behaviour and
parametric models for the size-distribution of forest fires. Ecological Modelling
(2002) 150:239-254
- Reed, W. J. and B. D. Hughes. On the size distribution of live
genera. J. Theor. Biol. 217 (2002)
- Reed, W. J. and B. D. Hughes 2002. From gene families and genera to
incomes and internet file sizes: why power-laws are so common in nature.
Phys. Rev. E 66 067103 (2002)
- Reed, W. J. and B. D. Hughes 2003. On the distribution of family
names. (Physica A 319:579-590) PDF
- Reed, W. J. and B. D. Hughes 2004 A model explaining the size distribution
of gene and protein families Matematical Biosciences, Vol. 189, No. 1, 97-102.
- Hughes, B. D. and W. J. Reed. 2002. A problem in paleobiology. (arXiv:physics/0211090) PDF
- W. J. Reed and B. D. Hughes, 2003. Power-law distributions from exponential
processes: an explanation for the occurrence of long-tailed distributions in biology and elsewhere.
Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae, Vol. 58, No. 2, 473 - 483.
- Chan, D. Y. C, B. D. Hughes, A. S. Leong and W. J. Reed. 2003. Stochastically evolving networks.
Phys. Rev. E. 68, 066124 (24 pp) PDF
- Reed, W. J. and E. A. Johnson, 2004 Using multiple fire scar data to estimate historical fire frequency
Can. J. For. Res. 34:2306-2313.PDF
- Reed, W. J. 2004 On Pareto's law and the determinants of Pareto exponents J. Income Distribution 13:7-17 PDF
- Reed, W. J. 2006. The normal-Laplace distribution and its relatives. In Order Statistics and Inference, N. Balakrishna et al. (eds)
- Reed, W. J. 2006. A stochastic model for the spread of a sexually transmitted disease which results in a scale-free network. Math. Biosc. 201:3-14
- Reed, W. J. 2006. A note on fire frequency concepts and definitions Can. J. Forest Res. 36:1884-1888. PDF
- Lesperance, M., W. J. Reed, M. A. Stephens, B. Wilton and A. Cartwright, 2006
Testing for Benford's law and possible fraud detection. Submitted to Statistical Science
- Phillimore, A, C. D. L. Orme, R. G. Davis, J. D. Hadfield, W. J. Reed, K. J. Gaston, R. P. Freckleton and R. P. F. Owens (2007)
Biogeographical basis of recent phenotypic divergence among birds: a global study of subspecies richness. Evolution. 61:942-957
- Reed, W. J. 2007. Brownian-Laplace motion and its use in financial modelling. Comm. Stat. A, 36 473-484 PDF
- Reed, W. J. and B. D. Hughes 2007 Theoretical size distribution of fossil taxa: analysis of a null model.
Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 4:12. Available online at
- Reed, W. J. and Fan Wu, 2008. New four- and five- parameter models for income distributions. In: Modeling Income Distributions and
Lorentz Curves, D. Chotikapanich (ed.) Springer.
- Reed, W. J. and A. Pewsey, 2009 Two nested families of skew-symmetric circular distributions.
Test, 18:1133-0686. PDF
- Reed, W. J., 2008 Power-law adjusted survival models PDF
- Reed, W. J., 2010 A flexible parametric survival model which allows a bathtub shaped hazard rate function
J. Applied Statistics PDF
Recent Students
- 1995. Peter Ott. M.Sc. Estimating the abundance of non-solitary
animals - the effects of contagion on mark-recapture and removal
- 1997. Tony Ho. M.Sc. Modelling the size distribution of
- 2000. Fangliang He. M.Sc. Estimating species abundance from binary maps
- 2008. Fan Wu. M.Sc. Applications of the normal-Laplace and generalized normal Laplace distributions.
- 2010. Zheng Sun. M.Sc. Comparing measures of fit for circular distributions.
- 2010. Angus Argyle. Ph. D. Estimating Population Size. In progress