Professor of Mathematics

Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Victoria
PO Box 3060 STN CSC
Victoria, BC, Canada, V8P 5C3

office: MSS 547
phone: (250) 853-3294
fax: (250) 721-8962
email: ibrahim [at]


My Students

Applied Mathematics: Partial Differential Equations and Analysis

Curriculum Vitae


Summer 2022: MATH 204 .

Spring 2022 & Fall 2011: MATH 342, MATH 346 & MATH 151 and MATH 300 \& MATH 151 .

2008/2009 \& 2009/2010 courses : MATH 346 & MATH 446 - 550 , MATH 101 , MATH 325 & MATH 326,.MATH 300 & MATH 151 .

Past teaching: click here

Links, posted here mostly for my own convenience, but feel free to use them :)

  • Department of Math & Stat at Arizona State University
  • Department of Math & Stat at McMaster University
  • Analyse Numerique et Equations aus D\'erivees Partielles, Orsay-France
  • Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Paris VI, Jussieu-France
  • The Abdu Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste-Italy
  • The University of 7 November at Carthage