Cauliflower-pea terrine with sauce maltaise

(Any appropriate vegetable in season can be used.)


- 3 eggs
- 2.5 cups cooked cauliflower
- 1 cup cooked green peas
- handful of mint leaves
- 80 gr. butter softened
- 1 egg yolk
- 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar, 2 tbsp water
- 2 tbsp orange juice, grated organge rind
- cayenne pepper

- blend cooked peas with 1 egg and mint leaves; blend cauliflower with 2 eggs;
- butter a 3x5x9 inch cake pan that can be used in a bain marie; line the bottom and narrow sides with a long piece of wax paper (so that you can lift the finished terrine from the pan); butter the wax paper, sprinkle with freshly grated parmesan; fill 1 layer of cauliflower, 1 layer of peas, 1 layer of cauliflower (I actually put some left-over cauliflower pieces into the layer); bake in a bain marie at 325 F (170 °C) for 1 hour 20 minutes until firm. Let cool, which firms the terrine and allows you to lift it from the pan.
- Sauce maltaise: mix vinegar and water, boil to reduce to 1 tbsp and let cool; put yolk in pan that can be used over boiling water, add reduced vinegar and whip until foamy; heat water in a pan until boiling, then place pan with egg over it, adding butter little by little while whipping to produce a thick cream; when done, add orange juice and grated rind
- arrange slices of terrine on sauce spread in a circle


Taste notes: