Tomato and blue cheese soup with basil

(Using roasted or caramelized tomatoes and onion, and a good dose of garlic make this a creamy delight.)


(for two people)
- 6 tomatoes
- (several dried and rehydrated tomatoes or the sauce left if you completely cook down three or tomatoes will deepen the taste) - 2 oz (60 gr) creamy blue cheese
- 1/8 cup cream
- 1 red sweet onion
- 3 cloves garlic
- 1/4 fresh Jalapeño pepper
- tbsp finest virgin olive oil
- several branches of basil
- salt, pepper

- core the 6 tomatoes, cut up; sautée sliced onion until soft, add sliced garlic and Jalapeño, continue until everything is slightly caramelized. Add tomatoes (and dried tomatoes or sauce) and cook until tender. Add blue cheese, cream, and basil (reserve some leaves for decoration). Purée (I use a hand-held blender). Season to taste. Decorate with remaining basil leaves when serving.


Taste notes:
Picked in summer and early fall, these tomatoes are sweet, as if someone had added sugar to them. Caramelizing them and the onions and garlic adds sweetness that is contrasted by the Jalapeño. The creamy blue cheese and fresh basil make this a delight.