Designing the Googol-Plex'o-Saurus


What is a Googol-Plex?


10^1 1 with 1 zero, 10

10^10 1 with 10 zeros, 10,000,000,000 (5cm distance to moon, age of universe)

10^100 1 with 100 zeros, a Googol, 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,
000,000 (1st line, km, edge of universe)

10^Googol 1 with Googol zeros, a Googol-Plex, 10,000,000,000..........






Googol-Plex'o-Saurus, the big machine.


Task Conditions

1.a. Design and build a complex machine that includes a minimum of 4 events.

1.b. A minimum of 2 events should be based on the simple machines we studied in this course: Lever (1st, 2nd, or 3rd class), pulley, crank, inclined plane, spring/elastic.

2. Before building, draw a labeled diagram that conveys your idea. It should show how the different events trigger each other.

3. Should have as much paraphernalia as possible (Remember, Googol-Plex).