Delaney Laboratory Past Trainees
Past Graduate Students:
Farnoosh Farhoomand (PhD) Biotech company
Jessica Bilkey (MSc) Nursing
Leslie Reitveld (MSc) Antibody Reagent sales
Geoff deRosenroll (MSc) PhD Univ. of Victoria
David Stuss (MSc) Faculty Camosun college
Sean Mulligan (MSc) Faculty, Univ. of Saskatchewan
Ben Hall (PhD) Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals, Denmark
Ian Davison (PhD) Faculty Brown University
Esam Qnais (PhD) Faculty, Hashemite Univ. Jordon
Vahid Shahrezaei (PhD) Faculty, Univ. College London
Colin DeMill (MSc)Teaching Professor, Univ of Toront Mississauga
Shimin Qian (MSc)
Past Postdoctoral Fellows
Azam Asgarihafshejani, Research Associate U Toronto
Jamie Johnson, Faculty Univ. of Sussex
Adam Fekete, Research Associate U Toronto
Tibor Zelles, Faculty, Inst. Exp. Medicine, Budapest
Alexandre Hardy, Postdoctoral Fellow, Univ. of Toronto
Stephane Dieudonne Faculty, Ecole Normale , Paris
Jamie Boyd, Research Associate, UBC
Gerald Sholomenko
Past BSc Honours Thesis Students
Jacob Boss
Taylor Kaban
Keyrian Le Gratiet, (Medical School)
Ann Huang, (Medicine)
Alex Cao, (High School Teacher)
Robert Mitchell
Thomas Harrison,
Glen Manders, (Medicine)
Laura Tebb
Anika Todd